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Home NewsSeptember, 2015 [ Addition or amendment to administrative procedures and others]

September, 2015 [ Addition or amendment to administrative procedures and others] 

  1. The “Fair Trade Commission Disposal Directions (Policy Statements) on the Business Practices of Financial Industry” were amended.
  2. The “Fair Trade Commission Disposal Directions (Guidelines) on Joint Gasoline Procurement Application by Domestic Individual Gas Station” were amended.
  3. The “Public Notice on Filings for Approval of Concerted Action” was amended.
  4. The “Regulations on Rewards for the Reporting of Illegal Concerted Actions” were enacted.
  5. Article 19 of the “Enforcement Rules of Multi-level Marketing Supervision Act” was amended.

 《In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese Version, the latter shall prevail.》

Updated at:2015-11-02 16:06:42