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Home NewsOctober, 2016 [ Decisions]
  1. TV channel agents Kbro Co., Ltd., Global Digital Media Co., Ltd. (translation) and Jia Xun (transliteration) Media Co., Ltd. offered different transaction terms when licensing their competitors and new and cross-district cable television system operators in 2016 to use the channels they represented. The practice was differentiated treatment without justification in violation of Subparagraph 2 of Article 20 of the Fair Trade Act. In addition to ordering the three businesses to correct their unlawful conduct within one month after receiving dispositions, the FTC also imposed on them administrative fines of NT$41 million, 40 million and 45 million, respectively. The fines totaled NT$126 million.
  2. By restricting the resale prices of distributors for Sakura products, Taiwan Sakura Corporation deprived its downstream businesses of the freedom to make price decisions. The said businesses were unable to determine prices in accordance with the competition they faced and their management strategies. The result would weaken competition on prices for products of the same brand between different sales channels. It was in violation of Article 19 of the Fair Trade Act. In addition to ordering the company to immediately cease the unlawful act, the FTC also imposed on it an administrative fine of NT$1.2 million.
  3. Ji Sheng (transliteration) Co., Ltd. violated Paragraph 1 of Article 19 and Subparagraph 5 of Article 20 of the Fair Trade Act by restricting the resale prices and sales territories of its downstream distributors for the company’s spice products. The FTC imposed an administrative fine of NT$500,000 on the company for the two offenses.
  4. When marketing RH jeans on the momo shopping website, Fubon Multimedia Technology Co., Ltd. and Hong Fu (transliteration) International Trading Co. claimed the fleece lining in the jeans was a patented structural modification. The wording was a false, untrue and misleading representation with regard to quality of product and also able to affect transaction decisions in violation of Article 21 (1) of the Fair Trade Act. The FTC imposed an administrative fine of NT$50,000 on each company.\
  5. Chin I Lin Private Limited Company, a multi-level marketing business, changed its sales system and product items without filing with the FTC in advance. The conduct was in violation of Article 7 (1) of the Multi-level Marketing Supervision Act. The FTC imposed an administrative fine of NT$100,000 on the company.
  6. Wang Yan (transliteration) Marketing Co., Ltd., a multi-level marketing business, changed its sales system without filing with the FTC in advance. The conduct was in violation of Article 7 (1) of the Multi-level Marketing Supervision Act. The FTC imposed an administrative fine of NT$50,000 on the company.

《In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese Version, the latter shall prevail.》

Updated at:2016-12-20 16:04:09