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Home Research & AcademiaPublicationsStudy ReportsReports under FTC Co-Study Projects2001A Study on Proposed Guidelines for Review Merger Applications of 4C Industries
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A Study on Proposed Guidelines for Review Merger Applications of 4C Industries


In this report we study the merger between the telecommunication, cable television, computer network (Internet), and the e-commerce or the so call "digital integration." Chapter 1 summarizes recent developments, major issues, and the current state of the 4C industries. Chapter 2 details recent developments in legal, legislative, regulatory proceeding, and the economics theory of merger. Chapter 3 proposes the merger guideline of the 4C industries. Chapter 4 contains conclusions and the suggestions reached as a result of the report, particularly on the application of Articles 6, 11 and 12 of the Fair Trade Law to 4C merger.

Updated at:2008-12-19 07:52:52