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Home Research & AcademiaPublicationsFair Trade QuarterlyList of ArticlesList of Articles of the Fair Trade Quarterly Volume 26(2018)Volume 26, Number 3
Research & Academia


Chen, Andy C.M. Big Data and Abusive Conduct from Market Power: A Preliminary Analysis
Yang, Hung-Hui Regulating Pricing in Oligopolistic Markets: A Query on the Practicability of a Wait Period and Obligation not to Raise Prices Simultaneously
Niou, Yue-Jheng Applying the Justifications of Horizontal Agreements in the Fair Trade Act: Discussion of Taipei High Administrative Court Case (SU)906/105
Chiou, Jing-Yuan
Lee, Su-Hwa
The Economics and Competition Policy of Tying and Foreclosure

  • Big Data and Abusive Conduct from Market Power: A Preliminary Analysis Big Data and Abusive Conduct from Market Power: A Preliminary Analysis
  • Regulating Pricing in Oligopolistic Markets: A Query on the Practicability of a Wait Period and Obligation not to Raise Prices Simultaneously Regulating Pricing in Oligopolistic Markets: A Query on the Practicability of a Wait Period and Obligation not to Raise Prices Simultaneously
  • Applying the Justifications of Horizontal Agreements in the Fair Trade Act: Discussion of Taipei High Administrative Court Case (SU)906/105 Applying the Justifications of Horizontal Agreements in the Fair Trade Act: Discussion of Taipei High Administrative Court Case (SU)906/105
  • The Economics and Competition Policy of Tying and Foreclosure The Economics and Competition Policy of Tying and Foreclosure
Updated at:2018-08-14 11:08:56