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Home Laws & RegulationsDisposal Directions (Guidelines & Policy Statements)EnergyFair Trade Commission Disposal Directions (Guidelines) on Gas Safety Equipment Sales
Laws & Regulations

Passed by the 787th Commissioners' meeting on December 7, 2006
Promulgated by Order Kung Er Tzu No. 0950010865 on December 21, 2006
Amended by the 1057th Commissioners' Meeting on February 08, 2012
Promulgated by Order Kung Zhi TzuNo. 10113601231 on March 03, 2012
Amended by the 1221st Commissioners' Meeting on April 01, 2015
Promulgated by Order Kung Zhi Tzu No. 1041360222 on April 21, 2015
Amended by the 1260th Commissioners' Meeting on December 30, 2015
Promulgated by Order Kung Zhi Tzu No. 10413607891 on January 8, 2016

1. (Purpose)

These guidelines are adopted to  ensure  fair competition, maintain trading order, protect  consumers' interest, and prevent gas safety equipment businesses  from engaging in inappropriate sales conduct.

2. (Definition)

The terms used in these guidelines are defined as follows:

(A)The term "gas safety equipment" refers to gas safety devices have the function of shutting excessive gas flows.

(B)The term "gas safety equipment enterprise" refers to any enterprise (including the natural person and the group) engaged in conduct related to the sales of gas safety equipment, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, or retail merchandisers of gas safety equipment.

3. (False or misleading representations or symbols)

No gas safety equipment enterprise shall make or use false or misleading representations or symbols about the price, quantity, quality or functions of gas safety equipment in advertisements.

4. (Deceptive or obviously unfair conduct)

Gas equipment enterprises shall not engage in the following deceptive or obviously unfair conduct when conducting the promotion of the sales of gas safety equipment:

(A).Misleading consumers under the deception or disguise of being a gas equipment enterprise by using pretexts such as giving presentation on gas accident prevention, working with public interest groups and providing services under government funding.

(B).Misleading consumers under the deception or disguise of being a gas equipment enterprise by using pretext on making gas safety inspections.

(C).Misleading consumers under the deception or disguise of being a gas equipment enterprise by falsely claiming himself or attaching himself as a reliable business, group, or public sector with a gas safety inspection notice, a working badge, work uniform as pretexts

(D).Misleading consumers by lying or hiding about the price, quantity, quality, features, or limitations of use of gas safety equipment.

5. (Legal Effect)

Any gas safety equipment enterprise in violation of Clause 3 of these Guidelines constitutes violation of Article 21 of the Fair Trade Act.
Any gas safety equipment enterprise in violation of Clause 4 of these Guidelines, and which is sufficient to affect the trading order, constitutes violation of Article 25 of the Fair Trade Act.

Updated at:2017-09-08 17:35:37